
can you pile up Learn more about can you pile up

  • The golden billiard bonsai expensive pile digger shows that he is shabby and shabby.

    The golden billiard bonsai expensive pile digger shows that he is shabby and shabby.

    The golden billiard is a dark horse quietly rising in the bonsai industry and market in recent years. A bonsai with good pile shape, long potted age and many fruits can be said to live up to its name of golden eggs, some as high as thousands of gold, and some even as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan. Down.

  • Is it difficult to make an old pile of succulent plants? That's because you didn't choose the right variety to take a look at these 9 kinds of common goods that are easy to become piles.

    Is it difficult to make an old pile of succulent plants? That's because you didn't choose the right variety to take a look at these 9 kinds of common goods that are easy to become piles.

    The definition of the old pile of succulent plant seems not very clear. Generally speaking, the succulent plant should be called the old pile when it comes out of the pole. If you have to add a standard, you can't help but want to own it as long as you see it. Put.

  • Can you pile up pig manure by digging roots during dormancy?

    Can you pile up pig manure by digging roots during dormancy?

    Q: is it possible to pile up pig manure by digging roots during dormancy? Answer: from the biological characteristics of sugar orange trees, there is no relatively clear so-called dormancy period. The so-called dormant period, as you may understand, means that the plant enters the flower bud differentiation stage after the beginning of winter.

    2020-11-08 Species sugar orange dormant period root digging can you pile up pig manure ask
  • Did you lose the leaves of the potted plant? Don't hurry to learn a trick to make it break into an old pile and reach a new height.

    Did you lose the leaves of the potted plant? Don't hurry to learn a trick to make it break into an old pile and reach a new height.

    Did you lose the leaves of the potted plant? Don't worry, this will become an "old pile", beautiful to new heights! The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many flower friends leave messages saying that their flowers and leaves are almost gone. It looks really hard to love. Is there any way to make it again?

  • A brief discussion on the maintenance methods of Raven piles with Golden marbles

    A brief discussion on the maintenance methods of Raven piles with Golden marbles

    Recently, people have different opinions on the maintenance of golden marbles and Ravens piles. I would like to talk about my views here. Piles are usually dug by pile farmers and then acquired by merchants. The standard of cut piles is uneven. The matching and use of tools directly affect the survival of piles. Fake planting for sale is also critical. The length of time to transport

  • This is the accurate way to buy an old pile.

    This is the accurate way to buy an old pile.

    Text: almost every day, the curator has flower friends to ask the question about the root of the old pile. It seems that those old piles with strong and long poles are really very attractive to everyone. But why is the old pile always associated with the hair root? I can't.

  • The design of potted landscape of Celtis sinensis is an effective means to speed up the excessive

    The design of potted landscape of Celtis sinensis is an effective means to speed up the excessive

    Advantages of pile materials: 1. Strong root plate on the front of pile head, reasonable distribution position. 2. The pile shaft inclines 45 degrees and rises parabolically, making the branch strong. 3. The top branches are stocked in place and easy to form a suitable transition. Materials and cultivation measures 1. People...

  • How to distinguish between raw pile and mature pile? Raw piles can survive even if they are raised like this.

    How to distinguish between raw pile and mature pile? Raw piles can survive even if they are raised like this.

    Outsiders may not know, but it is often studied that bonsai players must be no stranger to these two words. Even if they do not know, they will hear like-minded friends mention it, and there will be questions from rookies who have just entered the bonsai circle.

  • Bonsai teaching: the graphic method of golden marble pile cultivation can be understood at a glance.

    Bonsai teaching: the graphic method of golden marble pile cultivation can be understood at a glance.

    From a pile of golden billiard piles to the last basin, it is best to go step by step, but this process requires some methods and skills, as well as careful operation. Otherwise, the cultivation process of raw material pile will break down. So, how did the gold stake.

  • Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Elm is also called small leaf elm, belonging to deciduous trees, up to 25 meters tall, elm crown is generally round, its bark is gray or brown, when the winter dry season, elm leaves will turn yellow or red, until the next spring when new leaves begin to grow

  • How about selling bonsai?

    How about selling bonsai?

    Introduction to bonsai, how to conceive the idea is to imagine the pile material, and plan in advance according to the characteristics of the pile; many experts and masters emphasize bonsai modeling, modeling should be put in the first place, after the chest is completed, and then hands-on production, the specification is to draw a modeling diagram first.

  • Experience of transplanting and maintenance of bonsai pile

    Experience of transplanting and maintenance of bonsai pile

    First, the determination of bonsai pile transplant time has its own views on the determination of bonsai pile transplant time. According to my own pile planting experience, generally it should vary from time to time and place to place, and should not be treated rigidly. Transplant time in our southwest.

  • Production technology of pollution-free Agaricus bisporus

    Production technology of pollution-free Agaricus bisporus

    In order to solve the contradiction of bacteria forest and reduce the environmental pollution caused by the development of dairy industry, our city carried out pollution-free Agaricus bisporus cultivation trial in Renzhu Town in 2003, and achieved good economic and ecological benefits. At present, it has become the main way to increase agricultural efficiency and farmers 'income in northern Fujian. Through tracing investigation and exploration for several years, the production technology of pollution-free Agaricus bisporus is summarized as follows. 1. Site selection requires north facing south, convenient transportation, near water source, sufficient water quantity, convenient drainage, sanitary water quality,

  • Want to raise a pot of succulent old piles? Teach you a little move that can not only grow prosperous, but also quickly become old piles.

    Want to raise a pot of succulent old piles? Teach you a little move that can not only grow prosperous, but also quickly become old piles.

    Summer succulent plants do not grow, do not burst new buds, easy to lose leaves, easy black rot, easy to rot leaves. A series of questions have hurt us flower lovers. How can we make succulent plants safely spend the summer? Teach the university.

  • Making method of Platycladus orientalis bonsai (with Platycladus orientalis bonsai modeling and maintenance)

    Making method of Platycladus orientalis bonsai (with Platycladus orientalis bonsai modeling and maintenance)

    Platycladus orientalis is also known as flat pine, flat cypress, Phellodendron Phellodendri and so on. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit is mature from October to November. At present, it is cultivated all over the country. Platycladus orientalis is a temperate positive tree species, with developed lateral roots, strong sprouting, pruning resistance, long life, smoke resistance, sulfur dioxide resistance and other advantages, so it is one of the main varieties of bonsai.

  • Want the Lignification of Yushu? It only takes a cut to quickly become an old pile thief.

    Want the Lignification of Yushu? It only takes a cut to quickly become an old pile thief.

    Yushu is a kind of succulent plant that many people like, especially in the southwest, Yushu is a very common plant. But in other places, many flower friends will plant one or two pots at home, and even some flower friends will be straight.

  • How to do the styling of Hongzhi Jade Old pile

    How to do the styling of Hongzhi Jade Old pile

    The old pile loves everyone, and there is no exception. Rainbow jade old pile or graceful, or beautiful, or domineering in short, all kinds of gestures are full of praise. Succulent old pile has unique shape beauty, each special beautiful old pile is incomparable.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Mushroom

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Mushroom

    Mushroom is one of the most popular varieties in the edible mushroom market, and its taste, nutritional value and health care function are well-known. At present, during the stacking period, the relevant stacking methods are introduced as follows: first, the composition of mushroom culture material. Mushroom is saprophytic edible fungus, its growth nutrition soil comes from culture material, generally every 1000 square feet need about 5000 kg culture material, including 3500 kg of dung, 1500 kg of grass, 50 kg of gypsum, 25 kg of superphosphate, 15 kg of urea and 20 to 30 kg of lime.

  • Time and method of picking old pile bonsai of sparrow plum

    Time and method of picking old pile bonsai of sparrow plum

    The climate in the south is warm, the dormancy period of plants is short and the sprouting is early. The best pile picking period is from Lesser Cold to Greater Cold. Tree-sparrow plum after dormancy, accumulated a lot of nutrients, conducive to germination and rooting. Roots and buds complement each other. Both of them grow well to ensure the survival of the stump.

  • Domestic Yushu pruning should be familiar with these skills and then pile up soil to maintain the luxuriant foliage and super beautiful

    Domestic Yushu pruning should be familiar with these skills and then pile up soil to maintain the luxuriant foliage and super beautiful

    Yushu is a green plant loved by many flower friends. Its crown is tall and beautiful, vigorous and simple, its leaves are plump and smooth as jasper. When the flowers bloom, green and white alternate, it is very beautiful. Beautiful Yushu, pruning is very important today flower...
